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Totem Energy Reading of the Day


Today's Animal Spirit Guide is an ancient one indeed, The Wild Turkey, not the ones we have domesticated over the centuries, for sadly we have taken away their power.

The Turkey who is native to North, Central, and South America has long been revered in many native tradition as one of the few spirits that helped shape the world, teaching humans how to grow corn and to protect themselves from that which would prey upon them.

Turkey has always been a symbol of the harvest and the cycle it brings. With the harvest we have the energy of abundance, but this energy is contingent upon your actions. Do you share your abundance with your flock, your tribe? For we reap what we sow, and our crops must be tended, and the earth must be treated with respect for our harvest to be fruitful. Turkey Reminds us very little can be done alone, for most of us need that connection to our tribe. Our tribe helps us till and fertilize the earth, to sow the seeds, to thin the weeds and tend the crops until time has come for harvest. As we share the abundance from our harvest with our tribe our abundance grows in kind.

Turkey reminds you though your harvest may be fruitful, the abundance that has graced you will run out unless unless it is honored and nurtured. As long as we giveback and are thankful for our abundance the cycle can continue. But if we neglect to do these things, the fruitfulness of the earth can dry up, and our tribe may very well move on leaving us behind.

Honestly Turkeys message is quite simple, it is that of abundance, generosity, sustainability, and community. When the Energy of Turkey is around you it is a sign of of all of these things. If you seek Turkey to guide you in abundance he will always remind you to not forget that which is around you, for its abundance is a tribal abundance not solitary. Ask yourself, have you been solitary to long? Maybe it is time to allow a tribe into your life.

And with all of this we have our Moon transiting in Virgo for one more day. Allow her gentle grounding to reign you in. If you are in pursuit of new ventures and opportunities allow Virgos energy to slow you down just enough so you can see the forest through the trees. When Virgos Energy joins with that of Turkey it says maybe it is time to seek the help of your tribe. When we lean on each other so much more can be accomplished. Remember your tribe...

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