Totem Energy Reading for the Current Moon Phase.
Today's Energy Totem reading for our current Moon Phase is very different from our last. We have our Moon traveling through Taurus from 10/17/2016 till 10/19/2016 where it goes into Gemini. Also traveling along side our Moon is the North American Badger.
We will start with our Moon and the calming and grounding energy she Brings while she dances through the sky with Taurus. Taurus can be gentle when he feels the need, and after Aries and the Supermoon we definitely need this. Taurus Brings the Moon a feeling of assurance and safety, The Moon knows she is safe in the arms of Taurus and can truly relax and allow herself to feel at ease.
Taurus Brings to us a gentle grounding, a grounding that gives a person the ability to feel comfortable in one's skin and not feel tied down, giving us the ability to stroll along and enjoy the adventure, “smelling the roses” as we go.
When Taurus is with the Moon he say SLOW DOWN! It is time to kick back, even for just a short while. Taurus did not say stop, he said slow down. If you catch yourself stopping and digging your heels into the ground Taurus thinks there may be something up. We resist change out of fear, and we only fear because we know we must change something within our life. Taurus say if this is you, take this time to break away from your daily grind and take a walk, not metaphorically but and actual walk. As we take ourselves out of our routine, it allows us to see that which needs changing without being overwhelmed by the task at hand. Taurus can be an amazing guide if you allow him.
Now moving into our Spirit Animal Guide for this Moon Phase, The Badger! The Badger is an animal of the earth. Living within its complex tunnel systems that join many rooms together, each with a purpose. There are living and sleeping quarters as well as rooms for food storage and even a bathroom. Oddly with its complex living quarters called Earths the North American Badger is a solitary creature, coming together to mate, and then briefly raising their young before they move on alone at about 5 to 6 months old. The Loner part of badger is a lesson in self-reliance, badger depends only on itself, not out of resentment or anger, badger does not reject the world, Badger enjoys what can be learned in the quiet of the mind.
The Badger is quite an interesting Guide, She is a creature of Light, the stripe running from the tip of her nose to the base of her tail represents the openness of the light within her, showing the flow of light through the Pranic tube. Also Badger has extremely powerful jaws, these jaws represent how gifted she can be with communication. She shares her Wisdom and her Light through Stories as she has a hard time relating to even her own kind. So she teaches and communicates by telling stories. Now these stories are an indirect way of healing so the person receiving it does not feel as if they are being targeted or chastised. Badger is also a collector of stories from many animals, and can teach many different lessons in life.
Badger says if you are feeling as if you are on the outside looking in, unable to relate to those around you. Maybe it is time to ask Badger for some Guidance, her stories can help guide you down your path, helping you to relate to those around you. She understands at times we need to pull away so we may heal, but she reminds us we are not Badger, unlike her we do need our tribe, and at times she will send a member of our tribe to help us heal through her stories.
The way Badger lives represents the many layers there are to life. Are we looking beneath the surface? There are many twists and turns within, nothing is ever how it appears. Do not assume just because you can see what is on the surface that know what is going on beneath. Those that carry the medicine of the Badger have the ability to be amazing guides and healers for their stories have the ability to help many. Badger will come to those who way have a member of their tribe who has pulled away and turned in for too long. Badger asks can your story help to heal their soul. For showing your light to others can help bring them a new light and fire within.
Together Taurus and Badger are amazing guides. While they are with us it can be a very healing time. Sometimes all we need is a peaceful moment in life, and a good story to help heal our soul. Over the next few days the energy is very much a lazie energy. Enjoy this time, and if you feel you must start something new and bring change into your life, remember slow and steady is the way, Rome was not built in a day.