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Totem Energy Reading for the Current Moon Phase .


Today's Spirit Guide for the current Moon Transit is an ancient one indeed, The Salamander has swam to our shores as the Moon Transits through Pisces from 10/13/2016 till 10/14/2016 at 11:06am EST when it begins its Ingress into Aries.

We will begin with our Lovely Moon and her Transit through Pisces. As she drifts along her path with Pisces by her side it is very much a dreamy time. For those who try and force things during this time it will feel as if you are out of sync with the world or as if everything is a bit slower than normal almost like you're on the outside looking in. Going with the flow is the theme of Pisces.

You will find this time as a time of Passion, for emotions are the key to Pisces. All walls seem to just disappear while Pisces swim along side the moon. Our intuition is heightened in so much we may read to deep into things and miss the actual message altogether, this is a time where it is very easy to overlook the details of the situation because of how intensely we are feeling everything going on around us.

If you are a creative soul this is your time to shine for creativity requires passion and Pisces has it in surplus, and has no problem with giving you more than you think you handle but it knows this may be exactly what you need. This is also a great time for inner development as long as you don't try and force what you think you need, and trust Pisces to lead you down a path to healing waters.

If none of this sounds like your cup of tea Pisces is ok with that to, remember it's all about going with the flow. Pisces says to take this time to decompress, and detox your soul. Something nice, relaxing and quiet will do you wonders today. Imagine you are on an inner tube floating down a lazy river and Pisces is that river. Allow Pisces to take you down the stream and cleans your weary soul, rejuvenating you, all while filling the coffers of your heart with a lost passion, sparking a fire within your soul.

Now we welcome in our Spirit Guide, the Salamander. Salamander is truly a creature of magic. It is both a creature of fire and water, Passion and Transformation. Many overlook the Medicine that Salamander can bring because we fear that which is inside of us. Salamander represents the shadows of our hearts, the things we hide away, and feel an unfounded shame. Our shadow Soul is represented by how the Salamander lives, deep in the wooded bogs, under fallen trees and rocks near the water's edge. The Salamander teaches us to not hide who and what we are for it is that which makes us unique.

It teaches us to honor our past, no matter how dark and painful it may have been. It is your past that can bring you the strength and wisdom you need in this life. Salamander says it understands at time you can not let go of the past, and it doesn't expect you to. It says to honor it, give it the respect it needs for it has created the person you are today. For those who feel lost in life because of their past, and feel as if they are the victim of their past, Salamander has a message for you.

“Understand you are no longer a Victim, for a Victim would not have made it this far in life. You my Friend are truly a Survivor!! You did not give up, you did not give in, instead you pulled through the pain, and pushed forward. You did not leave this life behind, you chose to have hope, you chose to live and because of that choice you became a Survivor, and though you feel at this moment in time there seems to be no point, you are very wrong, for one day you will become the guide for another who is pulling through the pain of their past. A person cannot understand pain unless they have experienced pain. You my friend are amazing, and soon you will see your path.”

Salamander comes to us in times of transformation, its medicine is very ancient and very powerful. It can teach us how to adapt and transform quickly as our life changes course. Salamander goes through several transformations in its lifetime. It begins its life in the water, and transforms over time to go onto land and then returns to the water to give live birth to its young.

In the water it swims like a fish and its movements on land are also very fish like. Teaching us to swim through life. Salamanders are also a toxic animal, they secrete a poison through their skin just as they absorb all the toxins and poisons in the environment into their body through their skin. It teaches us to deal with the toxic people and situations in life rather than running from them or trying to have a physical confrontation with them, some times our own poison, our words can be more effective in defending ourselves. But remember your words can never be taken back just as like salamanders poison, once its there the damage is done.

Its Message is Adapt, adapt adapt. We must look within our own shadows to see through the shadows within our lives. Salamander can teach us a very intense lesson in life about self awareness and acceptance but having Pisces swimming along its side helps to soften its energies. Salamanders energies right now can take you on a inner journey if you so choose, or its fire can help cleanse you of all that has clung onto you and is pulling you down. Pisces and Salamander together are an amazing team, bringing a gentle healing energy to your soul. Also for the artist and writers out there this team can assist you in some very expressive work, just don't try and control the flow and direction it takes you. Allow them to take you down the rabbit hole, for in the deep of Salamander and Pisces is a type of Passion and inspiration that one has to experience to truly understand. It is the magic that creates the great Epics and Masterpieces in life.


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