Totem Energy Reading for the Day
Today's Totem Spirit guide happens to be one of my favorite medicines to work with, the Bat. Transformation, Transmutation, Transition,...
Totem Energy Reading for the Day
Today's Totem Spirit Guide is quite a popular one in the world, The Crow. Crow is a guide who has roots in most every culture, and in...
Totem Energy Reading of the Day
Today's Animal Spirit Guide is an ancient one indeed, The Wild Turkey, not the ones we have domesticated over the centuries, for sadly we...
Totem Energy reading for the Day
Today's Totem Spirit Guide has some interesting lessons to teach us indeed. Our guide today is the Salmon. Salmon is a guide that has...
Totem Energy reading for the Day
First I would like to start today's energy reading with a look at the past week. Many of the messages have been about personal growth and...
Totem Energy Reading for the Day
Today's totem reading is a quite surprising juxtaposition. Our Animal Spirit Guide today is the Mountain Lion, With the Moon Transiting...
Totem Energy Reading for the Day
The Totem Spirit Guide for the day is quite curious and interesting to me. The Grouse is an animal that I haven't worked with very much,...
Totem Energy for the Day
We start the day with an interesting energy that is for sure. Most of us know that we are in Mercury retrograde right now, but Lost in...
VooDoo Dolls!!!
Sorry everyone I'm going to be out of the office today getting ready for October's art show today is a day I'm going to be making mucho...