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Totem Energy reading for the Day


Today's Totem Spirit Guide has some interesting lessons to teach us indeed. Our guide today is the Salmon. Salmon is a guide that has swam in many oceans and rivers around the globe. Many cultures view salmon as of the the oldest and most sacred of the Spirit Guides. The Celts Viewed him as one of the oldest and wisest of the Spirit Animals.

Many view Salmon's life as a life of struggle and survival, but to Salmon it is about the Journey and the Adventure. For Salmon the minute he hatches his adventure begins. As a fry he travels down river until he reaches the sea. This phase of his life represents his youth an example would be birth to 18.

His next stage of his life is spent in the open sea where he learns to survive in a new big world. This stage of life depending on the Salmon can be as short as 6 months to as long as 7 years. This is a great representation of how we all take our own time to grow. You cannot expect others to grow at the same rate as you. We all grow in our own time and space. For Salmon this time is spent until they reach sexual maturity and are ready to make their journey back to the spawning grounds where they were hatched from. An example for could be 18 years of age to our late 20’s or for some, their late 30’s. Yet again an example of how we all grow at a different rate.

The next phase of the Salmon's life is his travel up stream. Once the salmon leaves the ocean he no longer eats or eats very little, this is why so many salmon never make it to their breeding grounds. Salmon may travel hundreds if not thousands of miles to reach their place of origin. This is the last stage of the Salmon's life, it is their great pilgrimage. During this trek they face many predators, and many obstacles. At times they must traverse waterfalls reaching up to 10 feet in height. This journey can take up to a few months for a salmon to complete. Though this phase of Salmons is a fast lived phase, it is the pinnacle of their life's purpose. Once Salmon has Reached his spawning grounds he will pair with a mate and the next generation of Salmon will begin as their eggs are laid. For the Pacific Salmon this is the end of their life, but for the Atlantic Salmon this journey or Pilgrimage will be repeated a few more times. We can View the Pacific Salmon as an example of our own lifecycles, spanning from the peek in our own adulthood until our passing into the next life. Where as with the Atlantic Salmon we can view it more as moments, phases and projects in life.

Salmon reminds you that life is a journey. This journey may be hard, there may be waterfalls you must leap above. There may be bears and eagles and from time to time a slippery otter that tries to snatch you from your path. But you survived and you pushed on. Salmon Also Reminds us that there are many cycles and phases to life. Reminding you, this one shale to pass, and soon enough you will be on to the next.

Salmons asks, Are you stuck in the stream, are you fighting the current but making no headway, staying in one place? For Salmon this is their life's Pilgrimage. They have a goal ahead of them, a destination deep within their soul. Have you lost your destination, your vision? Unlike Salmon we have the ability to change. Maybe it is time to pick a new river. If the river you travel upon on longer feels right to your soul, get out of the water and find a stream that sings the song of your heart.

Or maybe you have forgotten how to take the jump. For when Salmon finds itself stuck or trapped it Jumps out of the current and through the air amazing guiding itself to its next destination. Maybe you need to make that jump, that leap of faith, knowing you will make the landing and life with push on.

When we compare our path to the Journey of Salmon we start to see our path in a different light. For Salmon pushes on without fear in his heart, jumping over any obstacle that may lay in his path, Salmon brings you that strength.

Now we still have our lovely Moon transiting through Virgo. Virgos grounding energy is here to assist you with making sure this is the river for you. When it comes to problems with life directions the energy of Virgo is here to help you sort things out.

She is an amazing problem solver. Making order out of Chaos is her specialty. If the river is a project in life, Virgos energy can help you see the direction it needs to flow. So if these are issues you are having, Both Salmon and Virgo say to take a step back, breath and look at the directions things are flowing. Allow yourself to feel if this is the direction things should be headed or do we need a new direction. Open your heart and trust your instincts, be like Salmon. Salmon can sense through instinct alone the direction it needs to go. Allow Salmon to guide you on this path.

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