Totem Energy Reading for the day
Every day that I dedicate my mornings to creating this blog it becomes so much more of a journey than i was ever expecting it to.
Todays Energies and Totems have taken me on such an interesting unexpected journey. We have two amazing animals who wish to bring us guidance today
Our first Animal Spirit Guide who came today was the Echidna. A fascinating soul indeed. The Echidna is a variety of anteater, its paws are spade like, ideal for digging and its snout has the ability to send out electrical signals to track down its prey, unique to its kind but much like the Platypus. She also has spines covering her body like the hedgehog, and is able to use them for protection and can extend them into the walls of its burros so predators cannot drag her out. Also like the Platypus the Echidna is a mammal that lays Eggs. She Is Unique.
The First Message i feel the Echidna brings to us today is the Message of remembering your Uniqueness. Remembering who you are! As we flow through life we tend to pick up habits and routines from others and adapt them into our lives. And from time to time these habits are more detrimental than beneficial to our own personal growth.
When Echidna comes to us in moments like these it is to teach us to pay attention to the details, reminding us to stay grounded and at times to literally dig our heels in. She teaches us that stubbornness at time can be healthy. When it comes to YOU, your personality, your soul, your song, your uniqueness, she says dig those heels in. All too often we allow others to reshape who we are to fit into what they think we should be.
Another interesting energy the Echidna holds is that of the Ant and Termite. Not just because they are her main sources of food but also because of her ability to use electricity as a tool. She is a detail oriented spirit. Much like the Ant and Termite she holds the spirit of the Master Architect. Reminding us we are the designers of our life. With her ability to sense energy she is able to feel what is beneficial in our lives and what is not, sensing what is not in our highest purpose and using her paws to dig them right out. She tells us to look at the bigger picture, the people, the places and routines in our lives, are serving our highest good, or do we need to sift through them and restructure our path.
And above all remember your Uniqueness.
And now Enters in our second spirit Guide the Whale.
I feel the greatest thing that the Echidna and Whale share is the use of energy. The Whale uses hers in the form of Echolocation, being able to sense its surroundings, and in communication.
Like the Echidna the Whale Teaches us the Lesson of Uniqueness. The Whale also reminds us of our creativity, for each Whale has a song of it own. Though they may be vast distances apart the Whale can hear and feel its pod, its community, its tribe. To the Whale there is nothing more important than her pod, without her pod she falls into a deep sadness. Whales are a spirit of Community, and they remind us that we are our community, our tribe, we become what we surround ourselves with.
The Whale with her own Unique Song, reminds you to be that uniqueness, that is your song, your soul. The whale swims in the Ocean of Creativity, for water is the embodiment of emotion and all creativity has its roots in emotion. The Whale teaches us that though we may be part of a tribe we still hold onto our uniqueness. She asks you are you swimming in your creativity or are you allowing your pod to influence you. Are you swimming in someone else's song. Now Together the Echidna and the Whale remind us to feel all that is around us. Are we singing our song, our we building our lives, or are we allowing others to be the architect of our path.
Be the Echidna and feel out all that does not serve your higher purpose, your song, your creativity, and Dig it out. Then allow the Whale to come into the depths of your soul and remind you of your song, your uniqueness, your creativity. Together these Ancient and powerful medicines, these amazing guides can show you a path that your soul may dance upon.
Now to add to this energy of Creativity and Uniqueness you also have Leo transiting the moon for one more day. Bringing you the energy of the inner child, lending you an abundance of creativity. So lean upon this energy and let it take you down its path. Much like the rabbit hole for alice and wonderland the journey could be quite a trip, but once on the other side life turns a bend and you find YOU on the other side…
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