Totem Energy Reading for the Day
Our totem energy of the day vibrates so well with what our Moon is transiting at this very moment. Today's animal spirit guide is the turtle animal spirit guide is the turtle, With the moon transiting through Cancer (9/23/2016 - 9/24/2016), what a beautiful pair they truly make.
So many people see the turtle as a sign that they need to go into their shell and hide, but that is not the message of the turtle. Many cultures around the world view the turtle as a guide between worlds, for she lives on the shores, living a life both on earth and in water, she is a guide between the spirit world and the physical plain. When we seek guidance from our ancestors, our ascended masters, or any of our spirit guides, the turtle is there to help us, to guide us through those waters, to find the guidance we seek.
The turtle teachers us patients. With some turtles the number of sections and markings on their shell equals the number 13, much like the lunar cycle, where every other year we either have 13 full moons or 13 new moons, she reminds us of the cycles in life, all good things in life take time to manifest.
Now when we bring in the factor of our lovely Moon Transiting through Cancer, the energies within are very much the energies of home, turning within, and surrounding ourselves with the ones that we love. While Cancer transits through the moon she speaks to us of healing, for during this time emotions will run deep. Cancer brings to us deep passion, with this she also brings creativity and inspiration. Cancer can be a muse for those seeking Artistic expression, be it painting, dancing, writing, singing, composing and playing of musical instruments she is one of the greatest muses that can come to us.
Now with the pairing of Turtle and Cancer they bring to us the opportunity of deep healing. They speak together of a time of calm and peace. Take today to bring calm to your heart, take things slow, allow life to flow with you, do not force it today, just enjoy the slow steady stream. If you allow today to happen the way it should it can be a very healing and Inspirational day. Above all remember to live your passion, and if you are lost and still have yet to find your soul's passion today is a perfect day to look within and find that light, the turtle can help guide you upon this path for passion and emotions are energies guided by water and the turtle can you navigate your way there, and Cancer will steady the stream that you flow upon.